Yes, indeedie....I spent this weekend ditto to last!
My bestestfriendinthewholewideworld Cindilouwho needed me to rescue her day on Saturday. I volunteered to pick up a friend of her DH at the airport after my nail appointment. (Missie would you believe it had been 4 weeks?!?!)
The friend was here to drive her DH BACK to his home state of Illinois. Yes, friends, it was a short 8 month marriage. Lasted longer than my predicion of 6 months.
After her DH was packed and on his way, she came over to my house, oh around 3pm for a pool/slumber party. We quickly jumped into our suits and the pool. Pool Boy aka Mr Man was waiter/bartender/DJ for the evening.
I had picked up goodies for the weekend festivities and began making Chicken Tetrazinni for our Saturday dinner....made it early so I wouldn't be bothered.
XRoomie showed up with her DH to get some more of her things out. Then they dove in the pool.
Speaking of diving.........Pool Boy brought our first rounds of Pina Colada's to the poolside and promptly dumped them over...into the pool.
(This brought back memories of a previous slumber party at cindilouwho's home several years back -- a hot tub full of women, and Tom...Cindilouwho coming in with pitcher # 3 or 4 and tossed one leg over the hot tub, lost her balance and dumped the libations.)
Try #2.....2 drinks spill on the deck. Roomie has the first drink. And believe it or not Tom was sober!! He was failing miserably at being our waiter/bartender at this point.
Try #3...third time's a charm. Keep em coming. Oh no we're out of RUM!
Sending pool boy to the alphabet store for more.
Finally by 9pm we've had enough and we head in to bathe, do our toe's and put on "Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins".
In the meantime, Pool Boy sneaks out of the house........sneaks! Just like a teenager! Comes back around 1:30am....had gone to the bar. Guess he couldn't handle us gals having a goodtime without him.
Sunday was 10:30am pool time until 4pm. Nothing but floating my cares away. Mr Man was Chef du jour for the afternoon snackages and he set up the Jimmy Buffet CD's to shuffle!
Easy Livin!