Thursday, August 31, 2006

He's Here!


Ernesto Aug 31 2006're full of, well, water.   Not much in the wind department that I can tell.  HOLD IT (editing) - NEWS FLASH - I HEAR THE WIND NOW (10:15pm) Seems we've had about 7" of rain since the heavies started around 11am.  Rain slowed down this afternoon and have in the last hour grown heavier.  So as I see this satelite at 17mph he should be above us in about 4 hours and we'll wind it down.  School is on a 2 hour delay Friday.

This crazy weather and the barometric pressure is giving me a headache.  Gonna dope up and hit the sheets soon.

Miss T & I made some homemade apple banana muffins and I mixed up a box of triple chunk chocolate brownies.  So much for a diet!

BTW, I forgot to tell ya that Tom had court this past Monday for the March DUI.........cop didn't show up and neither did the so called witness, so the judge DISMISSED it.  Go figure.  He swears SWEARS this is it!  I reminded him how many times he's said that before and "never say never".   We'll see.....

He also had a Urologist appointment this morning.  Doc said the prostate wasn't "that big" and gave him some meds for BPH and samples of Cialis.  Guess he's getting the picture when I've told him "there's plenty more where you came from".  Sex has NOT been the extra curricular of choice around here, at least not for Tom hehehehe.    I know he's been worried about court and all but damn, he'd better be worried about me!

I did speak with my doc last week about changing my hormone meds.  I don't have the energy that I should have.  She suggested what she takes and I told her I'd be willing to give it a try.  Tired of being "blah" about everyday life stuff.

Well,'s all folks!  Nite!

Flamingo Rain


Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon!  Hope that Ernie goes away quickly and leaves little or no damage.  Brownies sound good.  For dieting, just say to self, I will only have one.  Give all the rest away that Tom and Miss T won't eat.  Well, sometimes that works for me.  Yes, that pressure gives me a headache too, on top of the major sinus one I all ready have.  Started antibiotics today.  So glad Tom's case was dismissed.  Tom, you be a good boy, per Mrs. Lisa.  Ummm, oh and pass the energy when it hits you.  I will need it by the time I recover from this awful flu/sinus or allergy whatever thingy it is.  I've been so weak have not been able to walk or workout and just barely drag thru the days.

Anonymous said...

That is a LOT of rain!      Brownies sound good to me.... pass me one, please!   lol

Anonymous said...

Well he is lucky that no one showed up, but on the other hand he is unlucky that no one showed up.  He can feel he got away with it and continue his ways . . . I hope not.  Have a good Friday.  Take care.


Anonymous said...

Please be careful in that storm. Will be thinking about you all. Glad to hear things worked out with court. Now Tom, behave yourself or we're gonna come looking for ya, lol. Mmmmmmm, brownies, yummy. Ummm, recipe for the muffins will be your next entry right? heehee. (((hugs))))

Anonymous said...

Brownies and a glass of milk on a stormy night. Stay safe & dry

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that e-mail last night. Hope your making out ok.

Anonymous said...

Your entry made me realize something, my son is so sensitive to barametric pressure since his surgery, with all the hurricanes the last few years, it's good we live in good "ol" PA I guess!  Hope you didn't receive any damage last night.  The rains are heading my way now.

Anonymous said...

we are only suppose to get 2 to 4 inches if it does hit us today into tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

what is my hubby doing down there???LOL

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((SHARON))))))))))))))))))))))Can I have some goodies please?lol.I was loosing alot of weight,butt,now,gained a few pounds back.It doesnt feel so good with having bad knees.I hope you are safe from the storm.We are getting alot of rain from it.Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Be careful about changing your hormones considering Tom's choices (or should we say non-choices) of extra curricular activities. You know what I mean!!!

Glad Ernie was still baby Ernie passing through your area.
Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

Rain, rain, rain all we got...very little wind..oh it was a "little" windy at times, but for the most was exactly what you said here too. Hope you have a great holiday weekend...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

how lucky for Tom that this DUI thing is over. He got very lucky. I hope he learned a lesson. Lots of rain, hope you have a nice weekend and it doesn't rain. Now hopefully the sex will come back again. LOL.