Therefore, I started cleaning out Miss T's room...whatta mess. Violence to ME I guess LOL.
The other Violent thing going on in my house is this possessed computer. It will NOT log into my separate AOL Icon...I'm having to do this through Firefox (which is a pain!) ... oh yeah, I've reset, restarted, rebooted and it REFUSED to cooperate.
More violence was that today I made Miss T go to the airport (didn't tell her we were going)....I wanted her to ride in a real live airplane just to see that it's OK. My SIL's Dad has a lil plane and he was out there anyway and said we could go.
Once she figured it out she was ADAMANT about not getting in that plane. She got in.....buckled up....unbuckled and got out.
Nephew, his mom and her dad took off for about a 10 minute ride and came back. All the while I'm showing Miss T how well the plane is balanced and smooth and not sputtering you think she bought it? Well, yeah a little.
They got back and she got back in!! They taxi'd a bit and then they were done....they couldn't take off this time because they were having radio burps....he said once he got them fixed we were welcome to come try it again.
Miss T was so proud of herself! Kept repeating "I got in a plane" over and over.