may wanna skip this first section and scroll down to the pink bug.
Last week Miss T had "the" know the one! All about puberty. The girls came home with a package with a small deodorant and 2 panty liners. All I know that the boys got was Old Spice Deodorant.
Yes, we've talked alllllllllllllll about such (except for the "adult" specifics) and since I had gone through a hysterectomy we had also talked about the fact that I don't have to "use those things with the strings" ROFLMAO -- I know -- TMI.
So lo and behold last Friday after I picked her up from a friends house she said "Mom! Come here!" - she was in the bathroom.
Hmmmm I think "Aunt Flo" is trying to make contact to see if she can come for a visit soon.
It was only a tiny bit.......and there was no more later or the next day or so far (please don't let this be jinxing it) and so I'm convinced it could just have been a trial run. Nevertheless we have to try on the "right apparatus" to see which is most comfy. So far no go.........I mean, come on, there IS no such thing as comfy when it comes to panty liners etc.
Well, I had told her she needed a bath, hair washed and all since they'd been playing outside hard for several hours. She spent the entire bath time in tears -- I mean TEARS.
She didn't want toooooooooooooooooooooooooo I don't want to have toooooooooooooooooo. I am scareddddddddddddddddd.
Momma washed her hair for her.....and talked to her..... and washed her back & all the poo poo stuff I was supposed to say like "GET OVER IT---IT HAS TO HAPPEN!"
Ok guys - you can come back in now.
This morning I look at my thumb which by the way I punctured back in February twice while sewing on some dance costumes. Well that sucker (lol - no pun intended) was tender and ugly and red and hot and eeewwwww.
I haven't been taking the best care of it. Sometime in the end of February it got a little yellow shiney part and I popped it open for it to drain. It did....watery blood style.
Well, my OCD says things have to be smooth and even.
So I've been messing with it ever the point of major infection going on.
Doc said "what do you want me to do?" I said "Cut it off!"
She said "That will hurt" and I said "It hurts now!"
In the exam room she blasted me (rightfully) and asked if I'd like her to try and lance it. YES -- off to get the novacaine and scapel. She said you may want to lay down for this. I said "Nah".
YIKES!!! The shot HURT like a MUTHA!!!! Tummy went "wooooo" ---- body got warm!
"Told you to lay down!"
OK I'll lay down. She mades some slices and said that she wasn't getting anything out of it.....gave me MORE antibiotics and said to let her see it in a week.
If it's not well then, it's off to a surgeon. Oh boy!
In the meantime, keep these cuts open; soak them in hot salt water 3 times a day and hide your exacto-knife or else. Apply antibiotic cream and bandage.
Tom got a kick out of this because "I told you so".
He rarely gets to say that. Then he went fishing.
On another note, my Miss T said Sunday that she prayed "the prayer" for Jesus to come into her heart. Today my Mom is taking her to talk with their pastor to see if she's really understanding what this all means.
I am excited for her. She is coming to the age of understanding. Understanding a lot about everything around her.
Not a baby anymore.....growing up tooooo fast. Going to start asking the real tough questions now I'm sure.