Thursday, June 5, 2008

Incompetency Bowel Syndrome


Let's pretend it's a Lion Pouncing!

IBS   That's what I have right now!

Incompetency irritates me to no end!  Especially when the incompetent one is an educated person ie Attorney or Manager.

I have been fighting for 2 weeks to get a Map reviewed, approved and recorded in the City system.  Finally today all was accomplished.

I can forgive the one guy for he is undergoing chemotherapy.

The one that really grinds my @ss is the attorney.  A simple proration of a monthly amount........and she asks me "how do you do that?"

I actually said to her in a tough tone to begin with "Excuse need to...." because she was trying to talk OVER me.

ME!  She wants MY help and it is beyond me that she cannot comprehend a simple task.

I think that I shall start submitting an invoice to these people that I have to hold hands with to get their job done.

Esp the Bossman.....

Get this.  We have a CBU (cluster box unit) mailbox outside the office.  We DON'T get mail here, we get it at the PO.  These boxes are about, what?  5x5 square for each tenant?

So he says.....

"Will you check the outside box to see if they mailed the car tag here instead of the PO?"

(Are you with me so far?)

I looked at him as serious as can be and said.........."I know it is NOT out there because #1 it WILL NOT FIT and #2 we don't receive mail out there per our request."

He says without missing a beat, "well maybe they sent it here anyway"....

I kid you not! 


I also have DH at home who says to me....

"How much money do I have in my account?  I don't know how much I've spent."



Anonymous said...

I wanna Hold your hand

Anonymous said...

Just have to laugh at these people and be thankful it isn't you!

Anonymous said...

Some people can be so smart to not have any common sense. LOL your DH and his bank account. Helen

Anonymous said...

Honey, what would the world do without a female? Good Lord. To be cute, you should write up an invoice to Tom too..maybe you'll get something out of it. LOL

Anonymous said...

H U G S!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the rest of your week.  Just tell the husband he has no money, even is he does! LOL

Anonymous said...

Go back to bed!  

Anonymous said...

Too many clueless people around you.  Thank God you are sane, at least I hope you are.  LOL


Anonymous said...

That kitty is so cute but not the rest of the story I'm afraid. LOL  It does seem like you are surrounded by a lot of incompetency.  You need a vacation.  : )  Hope you have a  happy tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Dont people just amaze you with how incredibly dense they can be, with no effort whatever?  lol though I feel badly for ya, I havent the answers - it happens to me "regularly" ya might say no pun intended.  Hang in, Sharon, humans are still evolving I hear.  xoxo  CATHY

Anonymous said...

Amazing how most people just don't have any common sense. Sometimes I want to yell out "think people!"   Hugs,  Bethe

Anonymous said...

Calgon, take Sharon away.........she needs some "ME" time. ((((((hugs))))))))

Anonymous said...

Ha, don't ya just love it when you know more than someone making 6 figures?  Blah!  LOL..tell Tom he's broke.  Love ya, Chris