Sunday, April 27, 2008

Monday Photo Shoot #17 - Fuzzy

New Monday Photo Shoot #17: photograph something furry or fuzzy, whether it's a textured fabric, an animal (real or otherwise), a beard, a piece of fruit, or something else. All I ask is that the photograph concentrate on whatever it is that's furry or fuzzy, and ignore other features (such as eyes and noses) as much as possible.

Interesting because today I took a picture of a dandelion....I took several shots before getting these:



Hmmmmmmm?  Fuzzy??


Anonymous said...

Perfect!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Very cool!


Anonymous said...

Definitely fuzzy! :) Very good shots, too!

Anonymous said...

I like the pictures but the main question I have is how do you have a Monday photo shoot when it is only Sunday? Hmmm.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This was perfect!!!!  Have a wonderful week...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

OHHH how I wish I had read about all this before, I am catching up. I would have loved to come up with my assumption on his where abouts.  They are all funny.  I'm sorry this is all happening with Tom :( Ughhhhhhh....I need to make sure I read your entires ASAP and not back track on them. I was all confused and finally got the brains to start bottom up.

I LOVE that pictures, you have such talent.

Anonymous said...

to early up here for that yet, they are only yellow right now, great picture, achoo!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those are great pics!!!!!!!  Happy spring!

Anonymous said...

So fuzzy!  I don't see how they can make dandelion wine from something so fuzzy.

The Eclectic Granny

Anonymous said...

I think fuzy works for these pictures!

Anonymous said...

love it:) sorry Tom ended back in jail praying for you,Tom,Miss T


Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))Very fuzzy and pretty.