I happen to be sitting right in between 2 televisions. Tara's in her bedroom and Tom's in the den. Both must be hard of hearing because I can tell you exactly what they are watching....T is watching Nickelodeon's Timmy Turner and Tom is watching that movie about Flight 93...I'm kinda looking over my shoulder at it too as I sit here at the desk in my hall. (My "hall" is about 8' wide)
Let me just say......I have had TOO MUCH WINE! Last night Miss T decided to spend the night with her grandma so Tom says let's go out. We head out to Longhorn for steaks and I start off with wine. Ran into a friend and then it was a Tequilla shot and I'm not talking about a baby shot either. It has been soooooooooo long since I've done Tequilla...and I now remember why. So I kept on with my wine. Then Tom & I went to a dueling piano bar where I kept on drinking wine. This morning was wooooooo not too good. The room was spinning and I said to self "Self....you'd probably feel better if you expunged this mess from you". I was beginning to think maybe I'd caught that Florida Funk from Lisa, but that's not the case....I'm not in FLA! And I actually was cold. OK, let's get this over with! Whew! I do feel better! NOT! Still cold and boy do I need a shower! A nice hot shower later and I wrap up in my heavy housecoat.
Then I remember.....we've got that Wine Tasting event that the boss is sending us too...oh nooooooooo. OK I'm a trooper. I did eat something and Tom drove me into town to meet my friend. We visited all the tents, sipping and smelling and actually learning quite a bit about certain vintages. A couple of my favorites were there (I'm a Chardonay drinker)....and I picked out a couple new ones to try at home. A very nice sparkling wine and a blackberry infused wine. I had hoped there would be some food to go with this but all they offered us was a wedge of bread with some cheese to take around with us plus there were bottles of water for drinking and washing out our glass.
We were there for about 1 1/2 hours ... it was a beautiful day with no clouds and a light breeze, 70 degrees. Tom was at the mall waiting for me so my friend dropped me off. I grabbed a bite to eat and did a little shopping. I picked out a nice light orange linen shirt for Tom and he found a beige/yellow palm tree shirt for himself...they were 40% off so I said get both! He also bought a new pair of Sperry shoes and some Crew Shave Gel. Hmp...all I got was some Clinique. I wanted some shoes too, but didn't come across any that really appealed to me. Picked up a pizza and brought it home. I called Nanny to see if she wanted to come down and grab a slice. She had been shopping with mom and Tara this afternoon and told me what a great time they had. I've now got a shopping bug.....I so need to shop! I wanna go to Myrtle Beach, but Tom says "we're going in 12 days" so guess I gotta wait.
My forest finally was mowed yesterday. I knew their mower was in the shop, but I didn't expect it to take this long. It was so nice to drive into my yard with it freshly manicured.....and I've noticed the smell of Honeysuckle too. The honesuckle grows along the fence....that is a delicious smell. I did find some sour grass growing last week, and if you pick it tender enough it is nice too. I have 4 rose buds about to show off too. The Indian Hawthorne's are in bloom. In the field between Nanny & me there ususally is wild blackberries growing, but they won't be ready till July. Speaking of fruit, I need to venture to the strawberry fields and make some jam or at least have shortcake with whipped cream.....yummmmm.
Well Miss T has a math quiz made up for me that I MUST have completed before tonight is over or else I'm told I will be in trouble (I'm shaking in my seat). I'm off to quiz......wish me well!